Thursday, 3 October 2019

Post 4: Climate Change

Hello everyone.

It's very important to talk about climate change. I think we're in the final stretch to avoid a huge catastrophe were we are the first guilty.
Scientists has been investigating and talking about all the damage the Earth it's been through during many years. And just now when the problem grew enough we are listening to them. That makes me very anxious, but at least the people want to work for it and try to fix as much as they can.
Personally I think there're many options to help the cause of climate change.
First of all we have to change our way of living. We have to be aware about all around us. Animals, waste, nature, etc. We aren't the most important thing in the world. There so much more that it's been destroyed everyday because of us. So many endangered species victims of all of that.
There're still some options to fight against that problem.
Reducing our waste and trying not to buy plastic stuff that we just use once in life. Not wasting food and buying what we're really going to use, or growing our own vegetables. Changing the way of moving and reduce the use of cars as much as possible.

We still have time!
See you next time.

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