Thursday, 13 June 2019

Hi again! 
Don't you think everyday we become more and more dependent on internet?
In my case I use it everyday for different reasons and it's particularly useful in the academic world.
My favorite website is Youtube. There I can find everything I need.
When I'm studying there're many topics hard to understand for me. I always find teachers who explain perfectly well what was impossible for me to get before. Or animated videos which teach in a different and funny way.
Also if there a theme which interests me.  Youtube has interviews, documentaries and tutorials about it.
Few days ago I was searching about Agroecology. Without much effort I could find all about it, from where it began to how to implement it at home. 
I watched few videos about experts talking about it, explaining benefits and more. Of course I could read in a book or in a magazine about the same topic, but with videos it's easier and more understandable.
It's the perfect website to spend hours learning about everything.  


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