Friday, 28 June 2019

Last post

Hello again guys! 
Today it's moment to say goodbye. My experience blogging it's finishing and I really enjoy it!
I've never had a blog and I think it was nice to have one. It helped me a lot to practice writing and I like discovering some of my mates interests and thoughts.
I think it is a good way to learn grammar from ours mistakes. But it could be better if we had a grammar rules class before starting blogging. Probably we would know what we shouldn't have done.
In my opinion another good way of learning grammar could be a correction between classmates. Sometimes correcting my own mistakes helps me to avoid making them again. It could work for someone else too. 
Anyway. Blogging it's a good way of practice writing and reading as well.

I hope you have enjoyed my posts and you could know something about me and my way of thinking.
Thanks for reading and commenting. See you next time!

Thursday, 27 June 2019


Hi everyone!
Don't you think nature it's beautiful?
Well, for me it is. Everytime I think about nature. I imagine peace and calm. And that's what I love the most.
I'm not really a city person. Although I live in Santiago. I live very far from the center and the city is always a mystery for me hahaha. I think is a very big one.
I feel more comfortable in other kind of places.
Since I was a kid I've always have holidays in the countryside. Surrounded by animals and natural landscapes. I have a lot of memories about this place. And I remember a particular one that now it's funny but in the moment it wasn't.
One day many years ago I was with my brothers and my cousin harvesting blackberries. When we heard a strange sound...  It was a bull and it was running toward us!!!  I'd never been as afraid as I was in that moment. We run so fast that all the blackberries flew out. I don't know yet how we went through the fence and we saved from that bull. But luckily we did.
Those stories could hardly happen in the city and I really enjoy them!!

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Hello guys!
I can't believe how fast this semester it's going. Just few more weeks for holidays!!!
I'm coursing third semester and it's been quite hard for me. I've learnt a lot of different topics about many differents areas in agriculture. 
I've discovered how diverse can be this career and how fun it's learning about everything. 
I've been learning about soil, insect and microorganisms, ecology and internal plant's processes. 
All this subject are very interesting. 
I'm not sure if I have a favorite one, but I really enjoy doing practical activities. 
The hardest one for me it's edaphology and at the same time it's one of my favorites. I like going to classes and studying it, I also like field working. It's just the subject's difficulty.
Anyway, this semester I've learnt a lot, in many different ways and this makes me happy.
It's been the semester of teamwork. Luckily I have good partners and we work fine together. 
During the last year that didn't happen and I realized how important it's having a good team to rely on. 
Despite all fun uni can be, I'm really tired and I'm looking forward to start holidays.

Hi again! 
Don't you think everyday we become more and more dependent on internet?
In my case I use it everyday for different reasons and it's particularly useful in the academic world.
My favorite website is Youtube. There I can find everything I need.
When I'm studying there're many topics hard to understand for me. I always find teachers who explain perfectly well what was impossible for me to get before. Or animated videos which teach in a different and funny way.
Also if there a theme which interests me.  Youtube has interviews, documentaries and tutorials about it.
Few days ago I was searching about Agroecology. Without much effort I could find all about it, from where it began to how to implement it at home. 
I watched few videos about experts talking about it, explaining benefits and more. Of course I could read in a book or in a magazine about the same topic, but with videos it's easier and more understandable.
It's the perfect website to spend hours learning about everything.  


Thursday, 6 June 2019


Hi everyone today I'm gonna talk about Permaculture.

First of all permaculture comes from the words "permanent and agriculture".

Which it's a systems that takes the knowledge of the nature to provides permanently food to people.

I think this is a good way to provide our own food. Also it helps to solve some problems we have in the world today.

People are trying everyday to make changes and salve the world.
Implementing permaculture in our lives, we can start a big change.

I think using this system would bring many benefits.
Production of waste decrease, we would learn how to take care of our way of feeding, how to take care of water, it's also a benefit for our pockets.

Everybody should know what permaculture is and implementing it at home with our families. There's where changes began and of course, our planet will thanks as forever.

Thanks for reading!!
What do you think about permaculture?